Instead of actually answering, it stood up, and creeped away, and went underneath the wooden fence surrounding his house. The creature stared at him, then narrowed its eyes.

He gently patted at the animals' head then sighed, "Do you happen to have an owner?" It stared at him for a long moment before making a small meow noise, then happily lapped up the milk.

It's cold, so maybe it'll like warm milk? Perfect, he thought as he rumaged through his fridge.Īfter a fiasco of spilling milk everywhere and not being able to find a bowl anywhere, he finally brought out the warmed up milk to the kitten. He scowled slightly and went back inside to fetch it something.What do cats like? Bugs? Wait no.tuna? Don't have any of that. He slowly approached the creature, but it only backed away. Damn things, always too scared to be approached.